Hi everybody! Happy Wednesday! π Today I'm super excited to share this review of The Crafter's Box "Shibori Indigo Dyeing Workshop" with you all! Let's get started!
This review was provided by one of my sweet friends, who completed + wrote up her opinion on this kit for you all! π
SO many fun goodies are inside this Crafter's Box workshop kit:
- Mineral compounds and reduced plant dye for a 2 gallon indigo vat
- Bind and resist tools for different shibori techniques (including clamps, cut acrylic shapes, and rubber bands)
- An in-depth shibori booklet illustrating various types of patterns and how to achieve them
- Six cotton cloth napkins
- Protective gloves
- A detailed, digital workshop
Here's my sweet friends review (written in her own words) for you all! π
This was a really fun (albeit messy) project. When I was younger I would use the Rit powdered dyes and "renew" my worn-looking clothes. It was such fun to watch the magic happen (the magic being the dye changing the already-colored fabric to a different color)
this project was a fun reminder and sparked my interest again in dying clothing.
The video was well done but I would suggest that anyone who has never worked with this dye method before (like myself), to pay attention to both the instructions the maker speaks AND the written instructions that are posted on the screen, as some things are not verbalized.
The bloom was gorgeous! The picture does not do it justice.
If memory serves, it was recommended to do a minimum of 5 dips. Since I was outside in the sun during the hottest part of the day, and I didn't plan well to take off work the whole day, I stopped after 3 dips - plus, I was satisfied with the results.
Once it was time to wash them, the dye did bleed quite a bit after introducing the detergent, and so faded the fabric some. I'm still happy with how they turned out and I would probably do this type of dying again. I had so much fun with my friend Brenna Ann while we folded and wrapped the napkins all differently, to see what sort of pattern we'd yield.
I highly encourage you give this kit a try and if you can do this experience with friends, even better!"
Check out how lovely her 1ST "Shibori Indigo Dyeing" project turned out below! I think they turned out beautiful!
Thank you SO much again to my sweet friend, for providing this wonderful review of The Crafter's Box Shibori Indigo Dyeing Workshop for all of us! π»
Have YOU ever tried Shibori Indigo Dyeing before? If so, comment below which is YOUR favorite project to make using this fun technique! π
Happy making everybody!
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